Current Weather
Grahamstown - South Africa
7:30   2024/07/27
33° 18' 00" S    26° 30' 00" E   585m

Moon Phase
Last Quarter

Sunrise 7:08
Sunset 17:33
Geography Rhodes Uiversity Logo Davis Logo

Prodata Logo Rhodes University badge
20.6 °C
0.0 km/hr
Rain Today   0.0 mm
Rain This Year   170.6 mm
UV   index 2.1
Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times. Windy. Maintained by Geography Department
Heat Indexes
Current Outside Temperature Current Inside Temperature Current Wind Chill Current Heat Index Current THW Index
Solar and UV
Current Outside Humidity; Current Inside Humidity; Current Outside Dewpoint Current Solar Radiation Current UV Index
RAIN Today's Rain Current Rain Rate Storm Rain Total Monthly Rain Total Yearly Rain Total
Weather data are collected using Davis Vantage Pro2 plus equipment supplied by Prodata Weather Systems.
The system is mounted on the Geography Department roof, a position intended for a weather collection installation
when it was constructed and occupied in 1985.
Funding for the installation was provided by the office of Deputy-Vice Chancellor (Research) as a central
environmental collection point for the University and Grahamstown communities.
Current Wind Speed
Current Wind Direction
Current Wind Direction
Current Barometer Storm Rain Total
Barometer History
Outside Temperature History
5-minute Data Refresh
Temperature  20.6 °C
Wind Chill  20.6 °C
Humidity  46 %
Dewpoint  8.6 °C
Evapotrans  0.46 mm
Wind  W (267°) at 0.0 km/hr
Barometer  946.6 hPa Steady
Today's Rain  0.0 mm
Rain Rate  0.0 mm/hr
Storm Total  0.0 mm
Monthly Rain  1.2 mm
Yearly Rain  170.6 mm
THW Index  19.6 °C
Heat Index  19.6 °C
UV  2.1 index
Solar Radiation  513  W/m²
Today's Highs/Lows
High Temperature 
Low Temperature 
20.6 °C at 7:24
11.4 °C at 3:26
High Humidity 
Low Humidity 
92 % at 3:51
46 % at 7:23
High Dewpoint 
Low Dewpoint 
12.2 °C at 0:07
8.3 °C at 7:01
High Barometer 
Low Barometer 
948.7 hPa 0:00
946.6 hPa 7:30
High Wind Speed 
0.0km/hr at  ----
High Rain Rate  0.0 mm/hr at ----
Low Wind Chill  11.7 °C  at   2:48
High Heat Index  19.4 °C  at  7:01
High UV  2.1 index  at  7:21
High Solar Radiation  513 W/m²  at  7:26